Capoeira Energy
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Capoeira Energy

Capoeira Energy University of Tenaga Nasional, MALAYSIA
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 Welcome to Capoeira Energy

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Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2007-09-26

Welcome to Capoeira Energy Empty
PostSubject: Welcome to Capoeira Energy   Welcome to Capoeira Energy Icon_minipostedFri Sep 28, 2007 10:14 am

Welcome to Capoeira Energy 2167184290055617163S425x425Q85

OLÁ (greeting). Capoeira Energy is another group of Capoerista from Malaysia. One of Y2kMestre Team opens this club/group at University Tenaga Nasional in year 2001/2002. Now, capoeirista of Capoeira Energy hope you enjoy and learn capoeira as beautiful it is. A lot of effort have been put to make this site a reality, so check it out!!! Obrigado (Thank you).

Capoeira foundation brought from a culture that was not stored away in books and museums but rather in the body, mind, heart and soul. A culture that transmitted was from father to son, throughout generations. There was candomble', a religion; the berimbau, a musical instrument; vatapa, a food; and so many other things.

"To say that Capoeira is just another martial art would be incorrect, because Capoeira is much more than just a martial art. Capoeira is art, it is culture, it is history, and it is dance and music. A true visual feast, watching Capoeira can evoke feelings of sheer exhilaration. It is an experience that must be seen (and heard), to be truly appreciated and understood. For those who might ask, 'what about the martial aspects of Capoeira?' - it is probably one of the most exotic and unique martial arts in existence!".

In Malaysia, The Capoeira is the beautiful art. This is unique martial art, watched them playing in Roda followed the rhythm, the song and clapping each other. Angola or Regional it’s not a matter. With the spirit and hard work in community it will become the greatest martial art group community.

Our Vanue

* Place : Kompleks Belia dan Sukan, Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur.
* Time : 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ( Saturday and Sunday)

* Place : Wisma Sultan Hj Ahmad Shah, Muadzam Shah, Pahang Darul Makmur.
* Time : 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Friday and Saturday)

Get ready for fun. Enjoy with the new things your learned from other Capoeirista. This is the time for you to explore your strength and weaknesses, confronting your fear and fatigue in an enjoyable, challenging, and constant process of self-improvement.
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